What Are The Best Homemade Moisturizers?

coconut oil and coconuts

Finding an all-natural moisturizer can be like torture. When you go to the beauty store, there are loads of ingredients in all of the top moisturizers.

The ones that claim to be all natural still have things that you can’t pronounce.

It can make you think about making your own at home moisturizer. Something that you really know is wholesome and natural.

Where do you start?

Well, this can be a tricky question. If you look at Crunchy Betty, she has a list of about 15 different bases that you can use as your go to moisturizer.

There are things like Argan oil and Jojoba oil listed on the website as great bases to start making your home made a moisturizer.

The only problem with the majority of these bases is that unless you live in a large town, you’re not going to be able to find them.

Smaller cities are not going to tout a Whole Foods or natural oils store where you can waltz right in and pick up Jojoba oil.

With the invention of the internet, you can order these ingredients online. In addition, when we are talking moisturizers, jojoba oil is a lot cheaper than some of the top retinol infused moisturizers that you are going to see at your drugstore.

The average price for an ounce of jojoba oil can sell for about $5.00 depending on where you look, while an ounce of premium anti-aging moisturizers can sell for upwards of $60.00

Since a base oil is going to make up about 75% of your at homemade moisturizer, you can already start to see the benefits of making a moisturizer yourself.

What’s the base?

This is where I had to leave Crunchy Betty to her crunchy devices. She started talking about concentrated oils and essential oils, and a simple at home moisturizer was starting to look like a science experiment.

In fact, most homemade moisturizer recipes seemed like they were trying to sell essential oils rather than tell how to make a simple at home moisturizer.

I am not against oils, essential or otherwise. However, I have sensitive skin and a delicate nose. Any perfumed things on my face and I start feeling unwell.

Alternatively, I spend the day tasting whatever lotion or moisturizer I put on my face. It simply doesn’t work for me. The search for the perfect homemade moisturizer was starting to look like a huge flop.

Turns out all you need is a solid base

After what seemed like an endless sea of essential oil advertisements, I discovered that I can use oils by themselves to moisturize my skin.

I know I have been using coconut oil as a moisturizer and makeup remover for a few years now. Many beauty experts agree that coconut oil is a great at home oil.

You don’t have to leave out the other oils like olive oil, and even safflower oil. If you are prone to oily skin, you may want to use safflower oil because it is one of the most rapidly absorbed oils.

Be careful when using coconut oil. While it works for me, you may find that it can cause breakouts for you.

If you start slathering on the coconut oil and begin to break out, your skin type may not be suited to this moisturizer.

Instead, you may want to consider a wax like a beeswax or butter like shea butter.

Be cautious when applying any of these near the eyes. I can tolerate coconut oil anywhere near my eyes, but shea butter makes my eyes feel like fire.

You may find the opposite is true for you.

When first applying natural waxes, oils, or butter to your crow’s feet area, use it sparingly.

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