Acne Skin Care Tips

woman with acne cleaning her skinSkin care is essential for overall health and beauty, but it is especially important if you suffer from acne.

Maintaining your skin's health as much as possible is one of the best strategies to keep acne under control.

This entails keeping your skin clean and safeguarding it against the damaging effects of the sun and harsh cosmetics.

Cleansing Your Skin

Use a gentle soap for sensitive skin or a specific acne skin cleanser to wash your face twice a day in a gentle, circular motion with your fingertips. Scrubbing can exacerbate acne, so avoid it.

Apply cleanser from the hairline to the neck after moistening the skin with warm water. Rinse well with warm water and dry with a soft cloth.

An astringent may be necessary for those with particularly oily skin, but it must be alcohol-free and used with caution. Apply it solely to the oiliest sections of your face, and if your skin becomes irritated, stop using it right away.

Keep Your Hair Clean

It's important to keep your hair clean too, if you have acne prone skin on your face. Shampoo at least twice a week and as frequently as every day, if needed. Avoid getting the shampoo on your face as much as possible.

Don't Get Too Much Sun

woman wearing sun hatA tan may dry out your skin and make acne less apparent, but this is only a temporary effect. Acne will flare up again as your skin grows used to sun exposure.

Meanwhile, you're putting yourself at risk for skin damage, which can lead to premature ageing and skin cancer.

Many acne drugs make the skin more sensitive to sunlight and hence more subject to burning.

When you're outside, regardless of the weather, you should apply sunscreen to your face and any other exposed skin.

Choose Your Makeup Carefully

Wearing no makeup at all is the best option for acne skin care. If you must apply makeup, look for items that are noncomedogenic, which means they won't clog your pores.

It's important to keep in mind that these products may still cause acne in certain people. Above all, stay away from cosmetics that have an oil basis.

Carefully read the labels and use only as directed.


To test which razor produces the least irritation to skin imperfections, try both electric and safety razors. In a safety razor, always use a sharp blade and replace it after two or three shaves.

To prevent harming blemishes, you may need to shave around them.

Before you begin, use warm water and shaving lotion to soften the beard area as much as possible. If you have blemishes on your skin, it's probably better not to shave that day.

Don't Pick at Your Skin

Don't squeeze pimples, no matter how tempting it seems! This causes even more havoc by spreading the bacteria that causes pimples. It can also result in long-term scarring.

Hands contain dirt, oil, and bacteria, so try to avoid touching your face as much as possible.

Acne can be controlled, so don't give up hope.

While acne medications will help you get rid of acne, you can assist the healing process by taking good care of your skin.

Last Updated : May, 17th 2022

Debby Lee Author of Anal Bleaching: How to Bleach Your Anus at Mylighterskin.comDebby Lee is the founder and main author of

She is a full-time website manager and writer, with more than ten years of experience. She is an expert writer in the areas of health and beauty, with a special interest in skincare.

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